The idea behind this website is that there’s a lot of information about 2×4 LEGO bricks and other old LEGO items out there, but it is scattered in many different places: Flickr, Facebook, the Brickset forum, Eurobricks, the BrickLink forum, Instagram… it’s everywhere. And it’s hard to try and find something when you need it.
So our goal is to be some kind of central hub for information regarding bricks and other old LEGO items, like wooden toys, early plastic toys, early LEGO boxes… For 2×4 bricks we also cover modern and future stuff, because the evolution of the 2×4 brick is what started this project!
Hopefully, we’ll be able to become such hub, in time!
Every article and image in the site is (or should be!) credited and linked back to the original content (when it exists).
You can find an article about how the idea for this website came to be on BrickNerd.
Articles and images by Bailey Fullarton, Elspeth De Montes, Fabian BL, Fantastic Brick, Faust Chang (根毛), Francesco Spreafico, Maxx 3001, Michael, Paulo Carreira, Rylie Howerter, WRme2.
Logo and header banner image by Bailey Fullarton.
Discussions on how to call the website: WRme2, Bailey Fullerton, Francesco Spreafico and Tim Johnson.
You can find most of us in the Facebook group LEGO pre-1975.