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Borg Warner Grangemouth F Mould Marbled Bricks made by Jack Bingham

Brick on the left and central brick were made by Jack Bingham who lived near Falkirk and worked at the Borg Warner Grangemouth factory from 1966 when he was 23 years old before retiring at 58 years old.

Part of a large find by his grandson Jack Menzies who came across a great deal of Grangemouths mixed with vintage and more modern LEGO in his nan’s (Jack’s wife) attic and posted about them initially on Reddit.

Right brick is also a marbled Grangemouth F mould brick that belonged to Lauren’s mum who was a teacher in a Falkirk primary school. Laurens mum took some of these marbled bricks as the school was getting rid of them anyway. They were in her attic until years later when her daughter Lauren asked about them on Brickset.

Since Jack Bingham was known to give away bricks to local school children and to local schools, it likely he also made Nathan’s brick and it made it’s way to the school either direct from Jack Bingham or via a student at the school. Sadly Jack Bingham passed away in July 2020 so we are not able to ask him more but his grandson said,

It just makes me wish I’d discovered more about these bricks a couple of years ago. I could share this with my grandad. He would have been blown away. He was such a character. My nan (the late Jack Bingham wife) said he was a Lab Technician Colourist there, but i don’t know if that’s a job title. I know you get technical colourists so that may have been his job title. Whatever it was it was to do with Colour. The man knew eveything about colour!

Left belongs to me.
Centre belongs to Matthew Nolan.
Right belongs to Nathan Francis.

This is much darker than Dark Blue, Im going to call it Midnight Blue.

Thanks to all for sharing and allowing this photo to be taken – I love a bit of LEGO history!

[Original post and comments on Flickr.]

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