These bricks were found in Bayer lots with 1xABCD, 7xC (05), 8xC (05 and void) and 8xf bricks.
Material: ABS
Inner ribs: None.
Inner tubes: with “gripper tubes” (faceted inside).
Flowrib / center line inside top surface: No.
Mold pip: centered on tle long side. The 8xF brick has the pip on the right side, the 8xF+E brick on the left side.
Mold position numbers: None.
Intellectual property protection: None.
Colors known:
LEGO colors:
- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
- Pink
- Orange
- Tan
- Trans-neon green
Non-LEGO colors:
- several shades of Milky white
- milky brown
- milky “medium dark blue”
[Original post and comments on Flickr.]